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maserati granturismo 3500GTI


Annonce Nº: 28545
Publié: 10 mai 2024, vues: 3



Informations générales

Le Havre, Haute-Normandie
165 000 €
47 124 km
Boîte de vitesse
Boîte manuelle

Description du véhicule


3500GTI, essence, 1962 Maserati 3500GTI

We are presenting an extremely sought-after 1962 Maserati 3500GTI, a car that is already a TV star: this Maserati 3500GTI was featured in Season 5 of the reality show centered around FantomWorks, the classic car restoration shop. Bought originally in Rome, Italy, by a supercar-collecting doctor, the '62 3500GTI was shipped back to the USA and comes in a beautiful and fetching color combination of black with a sand beige interior.

This 3500GTI has been with the same family since 1966 from when it was brought over from Italy all the way until 2022. Also, included are invoice copies from Fantom Works to show the work was completed in their facility and from Abacus Racing from the work performed. These records are dating from 2016 to 2021 totaling over $84, 000 being invested into this incredible Italian sports car. There is an extraordinarily comprehensive breakdown of work undertaken; we love the assiduousness of the detail, which is even down to its original Lucas fuel injection.

In terms of documentation, it doesn't come any better than this. This majestic Maserati 3500GTI is equipped with a 5-speed manual transmission, power windows, jack, front-wheel disc brakes, Maserati hubcaps, and a spare tire. Do not miss your opportunity to jump into the ownership of this eye-catching piece of Italian history that is mechanically sound

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Photo maserati granturismo 3500GTI

Publié: 10 mai 2024, vues: 3

Maserati granturismo

Localisation: Le Havre, Haute-Normandie

Prix: 165 000 €

Année: 1962
Kilométrage: 47 124 km


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